(CET) Price (Old
Contract) Price (New
09/14/2011 17:30 886.25 886.50
10/19/2011 17:30 942.75 944.00
11/16/2011 17:30 960.50 961.50
12/14/2011 17:30 940.50 942.00
01/18/2012 17:30 1026.50 1011.00
02/15/2012 17:30 1066.25 1084.50
03/14/2012 17:30 1116.50 1098.50
04/18/2012 17:30 1036.00 1018.50
05/16/2012 17:30 988.75 990.25
06/13/2012 17:30 976.75 978.00
07/13/2012 17:30 976.75 978.00
06/18/2012 17:30 1032.00 1034.00
** Closing prices two calendar days (Wednesday) before expiration day (third Friday of month)
06/13/2012 17:30 976.75 978.00
07/13/2012 17:30 976.75 978.00
06/18/2012 17:30 1032.00 1034.00
** Closing prices two calendar days (Wednesday) before expiration day (third Friday of month)